Sunday 25 December 2016


• Explain the importance (both positive and negative) of Samoure Toure in the history of West Africa.
Points to consider
1. A great emperor and statesman who created a large empire by use of the army.
2. His aim was to destroy ethnic affiliation and promote national unity and loyalty among the Mandika.
3. He created a complex administration with political officers appointed b) L. central government, the empire was divided up into 162 cantons; the cantons were grouped to form 20 provinces.
4. He created an efficient and loyal army, he had a professional army station in each province; he also had factories for repairing guns,
5. He was diplomatically genius, he played the British against the French, and he succeeded in preventing alliance between French and British during his wars of resistance.
6. He was a national hero who fought the French to preserve the independence of the Mandika.
7. Institutionalized Islam and stressed its importance as a unifying factor.
8. He encouraged trade between the coast and his people.
9. He built a strong economy in the region.
10. He improved education system by importing teachers to his country.
A good candidate should also show the personal weaknesses of Samoi Toure.
1. Many people lost their lives during wars of expansion and resistance.
2. Samoure Toure was a dictator.
3. He constantly moved his people, there by alienating them.
4. He carried out forced recruitment of all young able bodied men.
5 . He carried out slave trade which made him hated by victims of slavery in his society.

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