Friday 9 December 2016


Dahomey started declining at the close of the 191h century, in 1892, the French invaded Dahomey and took its leader Behanzin a captive and exiled him to West Indies setting the last blow to the kingdom existence.
Factors to consider
I. The vastness of the kingdom, by 1840, the kingdom swallowed most territories including Ifebu, Savaloy, Idassa among others controlling them from Abome, became difficult.
2. Weak character of Behanzin, he murdered his own people especially those who proposed the option of surrender 'this made him so un popular and his people then resorted to supporting the French.
3. The British act of disarming the Fon and stopping the importation of guns into Dahomey deprived them with guns and this made them vulnerable to British imperialism.
4. The Naye occasionally influenced the king to take wrong decision, they , could misinform the king about the activities of the chiefs, and this made the king to do several mistakes which led to the downfall of the kingdom .
5. The dictatorial nature of Dahomey kings, they over taxed their subjects, sold them into slavery, this made the people hate traditional rule, that's why when the French took over Dahomey in 1892, they supported mem indirectly.
6. Decline in trade activities due to the seizure of Port Novo in 1883 and denied the kingdom the economic backbone necessary for protection of the kingdom
7. The kingdom was hit by natural calamities like drought and famine as it was located in poor Savannah and its capital was on a plateau.
8.Resistances from vassel states militarily and economically weakened the kingdom (those states wanted to break away from Dahomey), their breaking away deprived the kingdom from tributes.
9. The kingdom was torn apart by her over ambitious foreign policy, leaders invaded other societies leaving them wounded and others captured e.g. in 1844, Gezo invaded Egba and was defeated on 15th march I 864, Glele was defeated by Ketu. This militarily \weakened the kingdom and the French found an already weak kingdom.
10. Death of able leaders like Gezo deprived the kingdom able leadership; Behanzin who succeeded them could not overcome the dangers that apparently facet the kingdom.
11. Weakness of Glele, he had inferiority complex, he believed that he who makes powder wins the battle meaning that he who could not j make powder (the gun) could not defeat the whites, this was made worse when he opted to poison himself rather than surrender the territory, this all made the kingdom vulnerable to British rule.
12. The French invasion of Dahomey in 1892 marked the final collapse of the kingdom.

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