Saturday 31 December 2016



• Give reasons which facilitated the work of the European Christian Missionaries in Central Africa
• Give examples of missionary groups in Central Africa of White fathers, Roman Catholic Mission, Baptist Mission, London Missionary Society, Parish evangelical Mission, Livingstone a Mission, Methodists etc.
Factors to consider
1. Missionaries condemned inhuman slave trade e.g. the Amagoche Yao who were tortured by the slave trading Amachinga Yao.
2. Preached against inequality. Condemned the social stratification e.g. among the Ndebele, pleasing the least privileged Holicaste.
3. Provided medical facilities hence wining the hearts of Africans.
4. Mistrust of African traditional religion like the Mwari and Mlimo Cults which failed in the Shona-Ndebele.
5. The influence of Islam was not much felt and Moslem converts could not ably challenge European Missionaries.
6. Use of gifts (bribes) to win African converts and leaders.
7. Collaboration with chartered companies e.g. Rev.Coillard with the British, South African Company.
8. Appeal for home government protection (LMS) in the British colonization of Ndebele.
9. They were offered land where to put mission stations and cultivation of food supplies.
1o. They got adequate geographical knowledge from early explorers in the area
11. Missionaries were committed to their work.
12. Presence of navigable rivers like Zambezi eased Transport into the Interior
13. They constructed several stations like Inyat and Magomero.
14. There were many missionary groups operating all over central Africa
15. Later establishment of lull effective colonial control in Central Africa by their home governments like the Ndebele by the British which gave them protection.
16. They used African interpreters.
17. They used friendly approach e.g. Rev. Helm convinced Lubengula to allow him operate in his Kingdom.
18. Conflict among some African groups favoured missionary work e.g. Amagocba Vs Amachinga, Mukasa Vs Bemba.
19. They easily adapted to the local languages e.g. even translated the Bible into local languages.
20. Missionary involvement in Africa's affairs as advisers like Francois Collard to Rhama and Lewanika.
21. They had medical facilities as a result of industrial revolution.
22. The climate in some areas wasn't all that hostile e.g. Matebele land.
23. Use of words of wisdom like "love your neighbour as you love yourself’’.
24. They were committed to their work.

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