Sunday 1 January 2017


The Napier expedition was an Ethiopian - British armed conflict. It arose out of the refusal of the English Queen to honour Theodor’s (Ethiopian Emperor) request of an Ethiopian embassy in London.
Theodore retaliated by imprisoning British nationals in reaction in reaction the British sent Robert Napier with a British force to liberate the captives.
Points to consider
I. Theodore’s act of refusing to release the European nationals especially the British.
2. British refusal to respect the Ethiopian empire by honouring their request building him bombshells and motor guns but they refused.
3. Britain's refusal to allow Theodore's request of building Ethiopian embassy Britain.
4. Theodore’s act of arresting the British consul Cameroon and other 60 European people to prison
5. Theodore’s arrogant nature, he had grown wild and could not avert war.
6. The period being that of scramble and partition.
7. The British desire to and Ethiopian supremacy in the region that had threatened their Interests especially in Sudan.
WasNapier Successful?
I. Theodore lacked popular support especially from provincial Rases and church lords.
2. Ethiopia was not yet fully united and national forces were still weak
3. The army itself did not fully support him due to forced recruitment failed solve the conflict. The British were militarily superior.
4. The British were determined to rescue their people against all costs unlike Theodore who had no genuine reason for fighting.
5. Theodore did not expect war at that very time, so he was not well prepared.
What Were the Effects of the Napier Expedition?
1. Ethiopia lost her empire leading to succession disputes e.g. rivaled John IV
2. Destruction of property e.g. Magdala the capital of Theodore was hit several times before it surrenderd.
3. Defeat of Ethiopia created a false assumption that Ethiopia was weak
4. Led to insecurity as Rases and church lords who fled lost their property.
5. Leaders of Ethiopia which followed Theodore learnt lessons from Theodre’s mistakes.
6. It gave a sense of nationalism to the Ethiopians
7. Led to influx of more Europeans into Ethiopia
8. Led to the rise of strong leader e.g. Menelik II.
9. The British rescued their imprisoned Nationals.

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