Sunday, 1 January 2017



1. There was rise of Napoleonic code of law as the Islamic code of law was abolished i.e. Islamic courts were closed Islamic Qhahis (JURY) were replaced by French judge.
2. Loss of lives and property on both sides as the war lasted for a long, tlus was due to the fact that the French used outright brutality leading to famine as village firms were devastated.
3. French soldier’s settlers and administrators alienated Algerian land.
4. The French lost a lot of resource both manpower and finances in this resistance, that's why they fully occupied Algeria to compensate for the loses suffered.
5. The Algerians were denied chance to participate in the political affairs of their country.
6. The influence of the Ottoman Empire in Algeria was weakened.
7. The Algerian population was tortured/harassed and many Algerian were imprisoned and others deported.
8. The French assumed monopoly over trade in Algerian; they controlled production and determined the prices of raw materials.
9. The Algerian population got more divided than ever before, members of Tijaniyyah brotherhood fought on the side of the French against their br0thers of quadriyyah brother hood.
10. French occupation due to defeat of Study Guide of African History.
11. Abdel Kadir put the neighboring countries at risk and no wonder in 1881 Tunisia lost their independence to the French, same happened to Morocco in 1912.
NB: No matter whether Abdel Chadir resisted for all that time, the end justified the means.

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