Sunday, 1 January 2017

History revisions questions

I)   explain the causes and effects of Anglo- Boer war of 1899-1902.
2) Assess the impact of the Long Distance Trade on the peoples of East Africa during the 19th Century.
3)   Examine the factors which led to the establishment of Italian rule in Libya in 1911.
4) Assess the contribution of Semei Kakungulu in the establishment of British colonial rule in Uganda.
5) Examine the causes and effects of the Anglo-Asante wars during the second half of the 19th Century.
6)  Examine the factors that led to the loss of Ndebele independence in 1893.
7) How did the French consolidate their position in Algeria between] 870 and 1914?
8) "The assimilation   policy in WestAfiica sowed seeds of its own destruction: Discuss. -.".
9.) Describe the political, social and economic organization   of the Ibo during the second half of the 19th Century.
10) Discuss the problems faced by Christian missionaries in Central Africa during the second half of the 19th Century.
1) Describe the political, social and economic organization   of the Chagga during the second half of the 19th Century.
2)  Account for the withdrawal of the French from Fashoda in 1896.
3)  Examine the role of Cecil Rhodes in the colonization of Southern Africa.
4)"The Hut Tax war of l898 in Sierra-Leone was justifiable revolt against foreign rule" Discuss.
5)  Examine the causes and effects of the Urabi revolt of 1881-1882,
6) Explain the causes and consequences of the establishment of the Act of union of1910 in South Africa.
7) Describe the characteristics of the Belgian administration in the Congo between    1878 and 1914.
8)  Examine the factors that led to the 191h Century Jihads in West Africa.
9)  To what extent did the Imperial British East Africa Company (I.B.E.A.CO achieve its objectives between 1888-1893?
10) Explain the causes and effects of the religious wars in Uganda between 1888 and 1894.
I. Explain the role of the army in the management of the West African Pre- Colonial states by 1880.
2. Asses the Achievements of Lord Cromer for Egypt between 1883- 190-
3. Asses the Achievements of the Chartered Companies in Africa by 1914
4.  Examine the significance of the Turko-Egyptian rule In Sudan up to 1885
5. How did the French consolidate their rule in Algeria?
6. Examine the factors that militated against African resistances to colonial rule.
7.  Discuss the factors that led to Italian occupation of Libya
8. ‘The violation of the Pretoria convention of l88l led to the outbreak of the 2 thAnglo-Boer war.' Discuss.
9.  How did Leopold I exploit African Land and Labour in the Congo.
10. Account for the success of Missionary activities in Africa by 1914.
1.  Describe the political, social and economic organization of Benin by 185-
2.  Account for the collapse of the Zulu state during the second half of the 1Century.
3.   Assess the impact of the Buganda agreement on the people of Uganda.
4.   Examine the factors that led to the establishment of Colonial rule over Tunisia in 1881.
5.   Account for Samoure-Toure's prolonged resistance against the French,
6.   How did the People of South West Africa (Namibia) react to German between 1884 and 1914?
6). “The Asante-F ante and British conflicts were inevitable".   Discuss.
7). Assess the impact of Portuguese rule on the people of Angola by 1914
8). Account for the failure of the French policy of Assimilation   in West Africa.
9).   Assess the impact of the introduction   of cash crops on the peoples   of East Africa by 1914.
10). Examine the challenges faced by Christian missionaries   in central Africa during the second half of the 19th century.
1). Describe   the social, economic and political organization   of the Zulu state by 1855.
2). Explain the role of the Army   in the political, social and economic development of Bunyoro kingdom in the second half of the 19th century.
3). Why did Leopold II surrender the Congo Free State to the Belgian Parliament in 1908?
4). To what extent did the 1902 treaty of Vereeniging    resolve the Anglo- Boer conflicts?
5). Assess the achievements   of Menelik II for Ethiopia between   1889 and 1913.
6). “It was primarily for economic reasons that the British fought the Asante during the 19th century" .Discuss
7) .How did the Portuguese   rule in Mozambique   affect the Africans between 1855 and 1914?
8). Examine the obstacles to the attainment   of independence   in Morocco between    1855 and 1914.
9)   How did the Creoles of Sierra Leone contribute   to the development    of West Africa during the 19th Century?
10)  Explain the role of Christian missionaries in the colonization of East Africa.
                               SET EIGHT
1).    Describe the political, social and economic organization   of the Banyoro by 1870.
2).   Assess the impact of the Ngoni invasion on the peoples of Central Africa the mid 19th Century.
3). Account for the survival of Ethiopia from European occupation   during second half of the   19th Century.
4).    "It was primarily humanitarian reasons that reasons that Africa was partitioned in the second half of  the 19th Century,
5).    Discuss the causes and the effects of the 1906 Bambata uprising.
6).   Examine the factors that led to the disintegration of the Mahdist state by 1900.
7).   To what extent was the French policy of Assimilation in Senegal successful?
8).   Account for the emergence of African Independent Churches in Central Africa between 1883 and 1914.
9).   Examine the causes and effects of the construction of the Uganda Railway.
10). Describe the methods used b) the Belgians to exploit African land and labour in the Congo.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks but avail us a complete work book of history of africa.
