Monday 30 January 2017


Large Molecules
Monomer (-OH) + Monomer (-H) → Polymer + H2O(l)
Condensation: monomers (e.g. amino acids) join to form polymers (e.g. proteins)
Glycosidic bond forms when two carbohydrate monomers join together
Hydrolysis: break down of a polymer; reverse reaction
Polymers are also called macromolecules (e.g. starch, proteins, triglyceride)
Organic molecules in which C, H and O bind together in the ratio Cx(H2O)y
Serve as an energy source important for the brain and cellular respiration
Plants produce carbohydrates by using energy from sunlight
6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (from sunlight) → C6H12O6(carbohydrate) + 6O2
Animals eat plant materials to obtain the produced carbohydrates
They can then be used in animal metabolism to release energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Triose (3 carbons)

Product of respiration and photosynthesis

Pentose (5 carbons)
- Ribose
- Deoxyribose

Found in RNA and DNA
nucleic acids

Hexose (6 carbons)
- Glucose
- Fructose
- Galactose

Source of energy in respiration
Main energy source in brain
Found in sweet-tasting fruits

Disaccharides (two sugar residues)
Sucrose (glucose + fructose)

Transport carbohydrates in plants

Maltose (glucose + glucose)

Formed from digestion of starch

Lactose (glucose + galactose)

Carbohydrates found in milk

Polysaccharides (many sugar residues)
Starch (alpha-glucose)

Main storage of carbohydrates 
- in plants

Glycogen (alpha-glucose)

- in humans and animals

Cellulose (beta-glucose)

Important component of the plant cell wall

Consists of amylopectin and amylose (both are made of α-glucose)
Amylopectin is branched via 1,6-glycosidic bonds
Amylose forms a stiff helical structure via 1,4-glycosidic bonds
Both are compact molecules → starch can be stored in small space
The ends are easily broken down to glucose for respiration
Does not affect water potential as it is insoluble
Readily hydrolysed by the enzyme amylase found in the gut and saliva
Major carbohydrate used in plants
Found as granules (chloroplast)
Each granule contains amylopectin combined by a larger amount of amylose
Commonly used sources are corn (maize), wheat, potato, rice
Branched, storage, polymer of glucose linked via glycosidic bonds
Found in skeletal muscle and in the liver
Chains are linked by alpha-1,4-linkage, branches are linked by alpha-1,6-linkages
Glycogen is broken down to glucose by glycogenolysis (glycogen phosphorylase)
Major site of daily glucose consumption (75%) is the brain via aerobic pathways
Most of the remainder is utilized by erythrocytes, skeletal muscle, and heart muscle
Glucose is obtained from diets or from amino acids and lactate via gluconeogenesis
Storage of glycogen in liver are considered to be main buffer of blood glucose levels
Polysaccharide consisting of long beta-glucose chains
Linked together by hydrogen bonds to form microfibrils
Structural function is a important component of plant cell walls
Its tensile strength helps plant cells in osmosis //cell does not burst in dilute solutions
Proteins are polymers of amino acids
Proteins are made up by different combinations of 20 amino acids
They have a general structure:
The difference between different amino acids is found in the R-group
When two amino acids join together, they release -H and -OH groups highlighted in red below
Peptide bond is formed between alpha-carbon and nitrogen
Condensation reaction
Primary structure of a protein
Sequence of amino acids
Joined together by covalent peptide bonds
Secondary structure
Hydrogen bonds between amino acids
Made of a combination of alpha-helices and beta-pleated sheets
Proportion of α-helix and β-sheet depends on sequence (primary structure)
Tertiary structure
Complex globular shape
Folding and twisting of polypeptides (H-bond)
Polypeptides contain many peptide bonds
Quaternary structure
Several polypeptide chains //several tertiary structures combined
Haemoglobin has 4 polypeptide chains
Collagen has 3 polypeptide chains, twisted around each other
Globular proteins are soluble and has folded chains
Fibrous proteins are insoluble and long, thin, twisted chains
Same amino acid sequence → same shape always
Bonds Found in Proteins
Hydrogen bonds
Between R-groups are easily broken, but are numerous
The more bonds, the stronger the structure
Disulphide bonds
Between sulphur-containing amino acid cystine
Strong bonds found in skin and hair
Destruction of tertiary structure, can be done by heat
Protein structure is lost and cannot reform → dysfunctional
Absorption and Function
Absorption of proteins in the digestive tract
Proteins are taken in as food
They are broken down in the digestive tract into their individual amino acids
Amino acids are recombined in the body to form different proteins
Good food sources include beans, milk, cheese, fish, meat
Several substances are composed of proteins with distinct functions
Keratin, collagen are main components in hair, muscles, tendons, skin
Enzyme amylase digests starch
Haemoglobin transports O2 in the blood stream
Insulin regulates glucose storage
Easily dissolved in organic solvents but not in water
Triglycerides (fats and oils)
Serves as an energy reserve in plant and animal cells
Consists of 3 fatty acids linked by ester bonds to glycerol
Excess energy available from food/photosynthesis is stored as triglycerides
Can be broken down later to yield energy when needed
Fats and oils contain twice as many energy stored per unit of weight as carbohydrates
Triglycerides (TG) are also called triacylglycerides (TAG)
Saturated fatty acids
-COOH group without double bonds in the carbohydrate chain
May cause blockage of arteries which can lead to strokes and heart attacks
High melting point / solid at room temperature (fats) / typical animal fats
Unsaturated fatty acids
-COOH group with double bonds in the carbohydrate chain
Low melting point / liquid at room temperature (oils)
Found in plants
Formed by replacing one fatty acids in a triglyceride with a phosphate group
Phosphate is polar / hydrophilic / does mix with H2O
Fatty acid tails remain non-polar / hydrophobic / insoluble, does not mix with H2O
Form a ball called a micelle when placed in a polar solution (e.g. water)

Cells & Molecules

Cell Division
Cell Types
Cell Ultrastructure
Gene Technology
Genes, DNA, RNA
Large Molecules
Plasma Membrane

Large Molecules
Disaccharides (two sugar residues)
Polysaccharides (many sugar residues)

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