Thursday 1 September 2016

advantages and disadvantages of newspapers,magazine,radio,television


Type of medium
(a) Newspaper
1. There is a wide target audience. It is read by many people.
2. Circulation cost per exposure is low. It is one of the cheapest media of reaching a large number of prospective buyers.
3. It is suitable for products or services in general demand, e.g. films, electrical appliances.
4. It enables the advertiser to present the products in some details, e.g. technical details about a car.
5. The advertiser can have the choice of national or regional coverage.
6. Unlike advertisement in the magazine which must be submitted weeks ahead, advertisements in the newspaper can be inserted or cancelled at shorter notice.
7. The advertiser can obtain response from the readers by providing telephone numbers or by means of coupons or contest.
8. Newspapers have the capacity to accept a large number of advertisements compared with the limited time on television.
1. It has a short life span
2. The advertisements have to compete with other advertisements for the readers attentions.
3. The written advertisement message can reach only the literates.
4. Advertisements are many and varied such that it takes effort to find advertisement one is looking for.
5. The paper quality is low compared with those used for magazine.
6. As an advertising medium the newspaper doesn’t have the same impact as the television.

(b) Magazine
1. The paper quality is better compared with that used for the newspaper.
2. An advertisement in the magazine enjoys a longer life span than that in the newspaper.
3. The targeted audience of the advertisement can be reached mare easily. E.g. a firm selling computer software could advertise in a computer magazine or a firm selling cash register can advertise in a trade journal.
4. As the advertising message is directed at the intended audience there will be less wasteful circulation.
5. It is suitable for advertising messages which are long and have to be read in a leisurely manner.
1. It is inflexible, as advertisements must be placed weeks before the date of the publication.
2. There is limited readership as the readers are specific.
3. It is infrequent as the magazine is published only periodically.
4. As an advertising medium, it doesn’t have same impact as television.

(c) Radio
1. The advertising message can be reached large number of people even in remote areas.
2. It is much cheaper to produce advertisements of this medium than a television commercial.
3. The use of sound such as music and oral makes radio a more lively advertising medium than static medium such as newspaper and magazine.
4. The advertising message can reach the target market effectively through special interest programme such as children’s or women’s programmes.
5. With radio sets that are portable or fitted in motor vehicles, radio message can be received widely.
1. There is lack of visual elements and as such, they are less effective when visual impact is needed.
2. It’s life span is very short compared with the newspaper and the magazine.
3. Audience attention is low when broadcasting is being used to provide a background for other activities.

(d) Television
1. The advertiser can demonstrate the product with realistic sound s, colors and movements because of effects. The television is one of those media that have high persuasive impact i.e. the ability to stimulate consumers.
2. The television commercials can reach a large number of viewers as they have wide exposure.
3. Advertisements can be repeated to the point where a large number of viewers have seen the advertisements to create an effective and lasting impact.
4. The advertisement can be directed at national or regional audience.
5. The time chosen for airing an advertisement can suite the target audience, e.g. Toys can be advertised during children’s programme.
6. There is high audience attention and personal impact.
7. The use of the product can be demonstrated and explained.
8. The viewers can be invited to respond immediately by dialing a telephone number.

1. It is not suitable when detail information is required. The newspaper and the magazine are better advertising media if more information is required by the prospective buyers.
2. It is not suitable if the target audience is small due to high cost.
3. There is high absolute cost – the cost in producing an airing television commercial is very high and requires big budget.
4. The life span of a given advertising message is short unless it is recorded.
5. There is less audience selectively as television commercials tend to reach mass audience, whereas the magazine can be more selective.
(e) Cinema
1. High audience attention is received as there are fewer distractions compared with house viewing of television.
2. Its wide screen gives extra scope for more dramatic and realistic impact compared to television.
3. Advertisements on films make full use of the audiovisual effects with movements and colors.
1. There is limited coverage as it is limited to film goers.
2. It is less popular with the event of videotapes, which are used to demonstrate and advertise the use of household products at shopping centers.
3. It is a non-interactive medium, as the audience cannot respond immediately.
(f) Direct mail
1. Audience selectively is practiced as the advertising message will be mailed only to selected target groups.
2. Flexibility can be exercised.
3. There is no competition with the same medium.
4. Wasteful circulation is kept to a minimum as it reaches only the market it is intended for.
1. It is limited only to the literate.
2. It is limited to the mailing list the firm can secure.
3. Cost of direct mail per prospective client is relatively high. It suffers from the stigma of being classified as ‘junk mail’.
(g) Outdoor hoarding and sign e.g. signboard, neon lights, poster
1. There is an impact of large size and colors.
2. Flexibility can be exercised.
3. There is high repeat exposure.
4. It is a low cost medium.
5. Low competition is expected.
6. The advertising message can reach a large number of people.
1. There is no audience selectivity.
2. There are creative limitations as messages are limited to simple, short and clear statements.
3. No audio- kinetic impact can be made.
4. It is open to vandalism, especially the posters.
(h) Pamphlet and sample
1. There is intensity of market coverage within a certain area.
2. There is an advantage of personal impact.
3. Advise and explanation can be given when necessary.
1. It may fall into the hands of those not interested in the product.
2. There is limited circulation as they have to be handed to person to person.
(i) Traveling salesman
1. It is effective because it brings products to the homes of consumers.
2. Salesmen can demonstrate the uses of the product to the consumers.
1. The coverage is limited to certain areas.
2. Salesman may not be welcome in by home owners.
3. High cost of employing sales personal can be incurred.
(j) Window display and exhibition
1. It is attractive to shoppers and exhibition visitors.
2. Uses and advantages of product can be explained and demonstrated.
3. Products can be shown to targeted audience
4. can give further information
5. Products can actually be seen and examined

1. It can reach only shoppers and exhibition visitors.
2. The frequency of holding an exhibition is not high.

(k) The internet
1. It is an interactive medium where the user can key in input and obtain response immediately.
2. The medium uses multimedia to create realism in advertisements.
3. The advertiser can place the advertisements in a popular website or he can create his own home page.
4. The advertising message has longer life span than a television commercial or a radio message as the user can always go back to the website previously visited.
5. The advertising message can reach selected target groups.
6. The cost of advertising in this medium is relatively low compared with the television.
1. The coverage is limited only to those who surf the internet and visit the website.
2. The advertising message placed has to compete with many other messages for attentions.
1. can give full details
2. can be shown in colors
3. can show all the products in one catalogue
4. can be referred to repeatedly

1. maybe expensive to produce/circulate
2. may reach only a selected group
3. limited to the literate

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