Thursday 1 September 2016

What were the problems faced by the chartered companieseasteast Africa?

The companies lacked funds to carry out their duties effectivfore The British government forexample GEACO lacked funds as it had spent  a lot of money in setting up plantations that even failed to take off
Lack of manpower, the companies lacked effective and good administrators and  this forced them to resort to inexperienced and corrupt ones hence mismanagement of the companies
The companies also lacked a steady source of income to meet the costs of administration, this was because of scarcity of minerals and lack of marketable products
Frequent rebellions from the Africans also made their work difficult eg the IBEACO was frustrated by the banyoro nandi a d Masai,GEACO also faced resistance from the coast people like abushiri uprising and rebellions fro. Kilwa Linda and uzingua.
They also faced conflicting interests I.e they were torn between doing business and administration as demand by the royal charters they signed with their home governments
Tropical diseases like malaria also made their work difficult as many of their stuff died leading to a collapse in their management
Macknons aggressive expansion inland also proved so costly to the IBEACO he for example hoped to gain immediately from controlling  Buganda and the surrounding areas however this was not to be as it increased the companies problems
IBEACO company involved its self  in  religious wars in Buganda, lugard and the company found themselves helping the Protestants against the catholics
They also fought alongside the Christians to over throw mwanga of Buganda and this strained the company's budget.
Geographical barriers like the thick forests, lakes rivers and mountains also made their movements difficult
The poor means of communication also hampered their work getting in touch with their home governments was therefore difficult
There was opposition from the slave traders these were mainly Arabs and the Swahili traders at the coast
The company also lacked proper coordination between the head quarters in Europe and their headquarters in east Africa.information flow was therefore very slow
Poor means of transport also hindered their work as they developed roads and the movement of campany officials was therefore difficult. They company however tried to construct murram roads but this meant spending the little money they had
Wild animals like lions and leopards that were many I'm east Africa at the time also made their work difficult they ate up some of them and scared survivors from venturing into the interior
The companies faced stiff competition from African traders for example the Arabs Swahili and nyamwezi traders made the GEACo !owe out in trade because they were more experienced traders that the German could not compete with
Some African cheifs were also reluctant to trade with the companies and others imposed heavy transit fees that left the companies losses .the sultan of Zanzibar for example charged them heavily
The companies spent heavily on building roads and establishing forts which forts which were not immediate profit making ventures
In a bid to keep law and order the companies found themselves dragged into political wars eg the IBEACO assisted Buganda against bunyoro conflicts

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