Sunday 1 January 2017


• Brief background about the Moroccan loss of independence.
• Explain reasons why the Moroccans lost their independence
• conclude
• Morocco was ruled by the AJawitc dynasty from the 17th century
• By 1873, Morocco was under the reign of Hassan Moulay who belonged to a Sharafian dynasty (1873-1894) then Abdul Aziz (1894-1907) and Abdul Hafith (1907-1912) .
• Morocco lost independence to the French in l 912 with the assistance from the British,
Points to consider
1.Power struggle, in July 1908, AbdulAziz was forced from power, his , successor Abdul Hafiz was too challenged by Moulay AI Zain in191O.this shaky administration became a pretext for French occupation as they claimed to be establishing law and order. The treaty of Fez of301h march 1912 in which the sultan AbdulAziz accepted the loss of southern part of the Spanish.
Strategic location of morocco, the British wanted Morocco because of the Gilbrator strait which-was the gate way to the Mediterranean Sea; it could provide an easy link between Europe and Africa and was important for commerce.
4. Morocco was so rich, It had iron. Zinc and phosphates. Its climate and soils were ideal for merino sheep rearing and for the growth of vegetables.
5.To fully occupy the whole Maghreb region i.e. the French to control these countries already controlled, in fact the Moroccans had supported the Abdel Kadir resistance and gave him sanctuary, it threatened the security of the French in Algeria.
6. Growing commerce in the region. Trade was flourishing and Morocco was serving as a market for European goods, so there was need to invest surplus capital in Morocco to get profits.
7 .It was time for Scramble and partition and thus Morocco was not peculiar.
8. Independent leaders of Morocco were weak e.g. , Abdul Aziz who was politically shortsighted, extravagant and diplomatically stunted. He introduced unfavorable tax in 1901.
9. Anglo-French alliance. The spring 0+ the April ) 904 Entente Cordial between the French and British precipitated international crisis, this resulted into mass protests by Moroccans that called for more foreign troops in the country which later to the conference and resolution of Algerians that further places Morocco in the hands of the French.
10. Riots of Marakesh where the French doctor was killed and in Casablanca where nine European were slaughtered.
11. Need by France to compensate for the failure to occupy other parts of Africa i.e. it had lost Egypt, Fashoda in 1898 denied to occupy Nigeria and Leopold maneuver them to Congo.

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