Sunday 29 January 2017


Thermal expansion of solids and
liquids . Measurement of the linear
e^ansivit(cocfficicnt of linear
ex nsiat) of rncrtc:ial in t:,a form
of a rod or tuba, i''.I iI c Of )s
and consequences of expjii;iion.
Some common examples of scalar and vector quantities . Parotlelgrom
law and experimental verification for forces. Ads!+.tion and su`.trc Lion of
vectors with particular erf;plrasis on force and velocity. Resviution into
componeots at right angles. Equilibrium of three forces.
(Relative v elocity is excluded).
Weipht as force , mass in relation to standard kilogram (see later under
mass, acceleration and force).
The principle of moments and equilibrium of a body under a system of parallel
forces . Reaction at a fulcrum . Recognition of pairs of forces c^siving rise
to couples in simple cases.
Centre of gravity treated experimentally; relationship between change in
its position in small displacements and stability of equilibrium.
Concept of force . Experimental study of changes in motion caused by forces.
Massas inertia . Definitions of acceleration and force.
`Equations of uniformly accelerated motion are not required to be memorised
but problems on uniformly accelerated motion soluble from first principles
from energy conservation or by graphical methods may be set).
Problems on potential and kinetic energy and on work = force x distance
Various forms of energy. Mass and energy (qualitative only, E = m,
is not expected).
Friction as a force , molecular in origin, opposing relative motion.
Force = rate of change of momentum . Experimental verification of conservation
aw Ap ication to simple two- bod collisions , to systems explod ing into
two or three Parts , and rockets.
ems wtil rtot beset inyglvipa use of kinem i cal giatians).
Definitions of and relationship between mechanical advantage , velocity
ratio and efficiency exemplified by pulley systems of velocity ratio not
greater than 4, screw jack and lever. Causes of inefficiency.
Pressure - force (thrust)/area in pascal (N/mz) or in mmHg or in
atmosphere. (see preamble to syllabus). Hydrostatic pressure =Pgh
experimental verification. Experimental evidence that hydrostatic pres, 'VW
the some in all directions . Hydrostatic press as simple machine; princIp....
only in its applications e.g. hydraulic brake. U-tube method for comparing
densities of Immiscible liquids.
Simple experimental demonstration and explanation by considering thrusts
on horizontal faces of immersed regular solid (or by some other method).
Flotation. Calculations of upthrusts in simple cases. Applications to
relative density measurements for liquids . (Detailed descriptions of hydrometers
are not required).
Demonstration of existence of atmospheric pressure; decrease with height.
Use of p = pgh for small height changes . Principle and construction of
simple mercury barometer . Aneroid barometer, principle and construction,
application as altimeter.
Effects and applications of thermal expansion e.g. provision for expansion
of bridges, natural convection (qualitative only),bimotailic strip. -Aknowledge
of on acceptable method of measuring exponsion will be
reau i rod .
Expansion of gases. Contrast with expansion of solids and liquids both as to orders of magnitude

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