Monday 30 January 2017

Biochemistry of Respiration

Oxidative breakdown of organic molecules to store energy as ATP
Animals and plants respire; FAD and NAD are coenzymes
Aerobic respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Complete oxidation of an organic substrate to CO2 and H2O using free O2
Production of CO2, NADH + H+ and FADH + H+, 38ATP
1) Glycolysis → cytoplasm
Glucose enters cell by facilitated diffusion
ATP activates glucose to produce 2 unstable compounds
Substrate-level phosphorylation produces 4ATP
Net yield of 2ATP and 2reducedNAD per glucose molecule
2) Link reaction → matrix of mitochondria
Pyruvate enters matrix of mitochondrion for further -
Net yield of 2reducedNADH per glucose
 3) Krebs cycle → matrix of mitochondria
Citrate is gradually broken down to re-form oxaloacetate
Substrate-level phosphorylation forms 2ATP
Removal of hydrogen from respiratory substrate
Net yield of 2ATP, 2reducedFADH, 6reducedNADH per glucose
4) Electron Transport Chain ETC → inner membrane/cristae of mitochondria
Reduced coenzymes arrive at ETC
Split into coenzyme + 2H+ + 2e- by hydrogen carriers
2e- are transferred to electron carriers (cytochrome)
Pass down ETC by redox reaction and release energy as they go
Energy produces ATP by oxidative phosphorylation
Final electron acceptor 1/2O2 is reduced by 2H+ and 2e- to produce H2O
Net yield of 34ATP (30NADH, 4FADH) per glucose
//Cytochromes are iron-containing proteins → cytochrome a3 also contains copper and is irreversibly damaged by cyanide
IMG 5-14-8

Anaerobic respiration (fermentation)
Substrate-level phosphorylation: 2ADP + 2Pi → 2ATP directly by enzymes in glycolysis
No O2 to accept electrons from NADH + H+ → no Krebs cycle or ETC
NADH + H+ reduces (gives off H+ ions to) pyruvate to produce
Lactate C3 in animal cells → can be re-oxidised
Ethanol C2 in yeast cells → irreversible, CO2(g) lost
Regenerates NAD
NAD can be re-used to oxidise more RS/allows glycolysis to continue
Can still form ATP/release energy when O2 is in short supply
Role of ATP
Adenosine (ribose + adenine) triphosphate (3 phosphate groups)
Produced by adding Pi to ADP → phosphorylation
Breaks down to ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and Pi (inorganic phosphate ion) by hydrolysis
ATP is useful as an immediate energy source/carrier because
Energy release only involves a single reaction
Energy released in small quantities
Easily moved around inside cells, but cannot pass through cell membranes
Light-dependent reaction cannot be the only source of ATP
"Photosynthesis cannot produce ATP in the dark
Need more ATP than can be produced in photosynthesis
Cannot be produced in plant cells lacking chlorophyll
ATP cannot be transported"1
Central molecule in metabolism (ATP hydrolysis)
Muscle contraction → changes of position of myosin head relative to actin
Protein synthesis → ATP "loads" amino acids onto tRNA
Active transport → driven by phosphorylation of membrane-bound proteins
Calvin Cycle → cyclic reduction of CO2 to TP
Nitrogen fixation → involves ATP-driven reduction of molecular nitrogen
ATP in liver is used for active transport / phagocytosis / synthesise of glucose, protein, DNA, RNA, lipid, cholesterol / urea in glycolysis / bile production / cell division
Brown fat
White fat insulates the body and reduces heat loss
Brown fat cells in mitochondrial membrane produce heat
Mitochondria in other tissue / chemiosmosis
H+ ions pass back from space between two mitochondrial membranes into matrix
Through pores which are associated with the enzyme ATP synthetase
Energy from the ETC will be used to produce ATP
Mitochondria in brown fat
H+ ions flow back through channels not associated with ATP synthetase
Energy produces heat instead of ATP
Found in chest, larger arteries for heat distribution round the body or in hibernating mammals

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